Verti Green Installation Guide

Verti Green Installation guide
Our panels are easily attached to any surface.
Plasterboard stud wall- We would advise using regular screws with plasterboard fixing
Steel Fence- If attaching to a steel fence black cable ties would be a great option to affix the panels.
Masonry or concrete wall- We would advise pre-drilling the holes and using concrete fixings (thunderbolts) and washers if possible.
Timber fence - Wood screws or high quality staples would be the best options. Once again if using wood screws washers would give the fixing a better connection.

1. 2 pairs of hands are always better than one, if you can enlist the help of a friend.
2. For best results if you are attaching to a white or light coloured wall it might be best to quickly give it a lick of paint dark green, grey, or black.
3. All of our panels have a top and a bottom, the plants always 'grow' in an upwards direction so make sure that you have the panels the correct way up before you start the installation.
4. Use a spirit level to mark the top line of the green wall. this will give you a line to which to position the panels on the wall.
5. Starting from the top left and working right, whilst one person holds the panels in the correct position (they are not heavy approx 4kg), the 2nd person can affix using the correct fixings described at the top of the page. Start with the top fixings and then move your way down the panel. Repeat until the row is finished.
6.  Once the first row of panels is completed, using the same technique and working from left to right attach the second row. The panels have a set of clips to attach between the rows, if you are able to attach these it will mean that the panels are correctly spaced and will give a seamless finish.
7. Using the same technique continue until the wall is complete.
8. Stand back and have a look, we would recommend that the artificial foliage is gently pulled out to replicate real plants and attention given to where the panels join that the foliage is pulled out and that the joins in the panels are not noticeable.
9. Some very small pieces of foliage may become unattached during the installation process, this is very normal and will not affect the finished installation. 
10. You're done.