Large Garden Planters and How to Use Them

Making a Statement with Large Garden Planters

So, you've got a garden, hooray! But it’s looking a bit empty, boo!. Not to worry, you can add a bit of character, something that draws the eye and makes your outdoor space a little more unique with a large statement piece. Large garden planters are what you need. They're not just for plonking in a corner with a random shrub; used right, they can be a real focal point, giving your garden a bit of impact where it needs it most.

Centre Stage: Placing Planters in the Middle of Your Garden

Let’s start with the centre of your garden. This is the spot that people naturally notice, so it’s perfect for a bold statement. A large garden planter filled with a striking plant can work wonders here. Think of something that catches attention – maybe a tree like an olive or a bay, or perhaps a collection of grasses and colourful perennials. The key is to choose plants that suit the size and style of your planter, and that will stay looking good throughout the seasons.

The planter itself is just as important as what goes in it. A sleek, modern design like a brightly coloured cube or tower might suit a more contemporary garden, while something more rustic or traditional such as a faux lead planter or faux terracotta planter could be perfect for a cottage-style setting. The contrast of the planter with the surrounding greenery can really make it pop, so don’t be afraid to go for something a bit different.

another tip for a central feature is to build a base to site the planter. If you’re being brave and opting for a middle of the lawn look, build a small hard standing area to allow the planter to really stand out.

Defining Spaces: Using Planters at the Boundary of Garden Areas

If your garden has different sections – maybe a patio area, a lawn, or a veggie patch – large planters can help define these spaces without needing fences or walls. Placing a row of planters along the boundary between two areas is a great way to create a natural divide. It’s subtle, but it does the job, and it adds another layer of interest to your garden. Or a pair at a passage or entrance always looks inviting.

When choosing plants for these planters, think about how they’ll interact with the surroundings. Tall, slender plants like bamboo can create a screen-like effect, offering a bit of privacy between spaces without completely blocking the view. Or, if you want a softer division, go for bushier plants that add texture and colour.

Practical Tips

When using large garden planters, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. First, make sure your planter is suitable for the plants you choose – not all plants will thrive in a confined space. Second, think about weight and stability. A large planter filled with soil can be really heavy, so make sure it’s in the right spot before you fill it. And lastly, consider drainage. Planters need to have good drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, which can be fatal for many plants.

Final thoughts

Large garden planters are more than just containers – they’re a tool for shaping your garden’s look and feel. Whether you’re placing one centre stage or using a row to define different areas, they’re a brilliant way to add structure and style to your outdoor space. Just think about what you want to achieve, pick your plants and planters with care, and let them do the talking.

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